Barry Jenkins - Owner
Licensing: 1111111111

Damien Otis - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent
Licensing: 123456789

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin mollis neque vel ornare. Aenean eget scelerisque mauris. Fusce consectetur laoreet lorem, pharetra tristique justo pulvinar et.

Azxcvsd Qqertqwer - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Other
Licensing: 123456

CEO/Associate Broker

A Realtor by trade and a gentleman by upbringing, no other Broker in this area will make you feel as part of their team. My knowledge of Idaho and particularly the Boise area combined with my level of real estate experience has given me a great awareness of the real estate values and trends in this area.

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Wisdfboijw Bwerqwjer - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Foreclosure
Licensing: 123456789

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin mollis neque vel ornare. Aenean eget scelerisque mauris. Fusce consectetur laoreet lorem, pharetra tristique justo pulvinar et. Duis in interdum velit. Donec sed arcu nunc. Maecenas vehicula eros elementum consectetur porta. Fusce posuere velit in molestie euismod. Aliquam consectetur nulla ac velit suscipit, vitae lobortis libero suscipit. Aliquam tincidunt odio in dui pharetra facilisis.

Gfdsa Zxcvbnm - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Consulting
Licensing: 123456789

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin mollis neque vel ornare. Aenean eget scelerisque mauris. Fusce consectetur laoreet lorem, pharetra tristique justo pulvinar et. Duis in interdum velit. Donec sed arcu nunc. Maecenas vehicula eros elementum consectetur porta. Fusce posuere velit in molestie euismod. Aliquam consectetur nulla ac velit suscipit, vitae lobortis libero suscipit. Aliquam tincidunt odio in dui pharetra facilisis.

Jnfbosidjfb Coweirjqwer - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation
Licensing: 123456789

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin mollis neque vel ornare. Aenean eget scelerisque mauris. Fusce consectetur laoreet lorem, pharetra tristique justo pulvinar et. Duis in interdum velit. Donec sed arcu nunc.

NewMexico DreamHome - Broker, Agent, etc

Azxcvsd Qqertqwer (Copy) - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Other
Licensing: 123456

CEO/Associate Broker

A Realtor by trade and a gentleman by upbringing, no other Broker in this area will make you feel as part of their team. My knowledge of Idaho and particularly the Boise area combined with my level of real estate experience has given me a great awareness of the real estate values and trends in this area.

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Azxcvsd Qqertqwer (Copy) - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Other
Licensing: 123456

CEO/Associate Broker

A Realtor by trade and a gentleman by upbringing, no other Broker in this area will make you feel as part of their team. My knowledge of Idaho and particularly the Boise area combined with my level of real estate experience has given me a great awareness of the real estate values and trends in this area.

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Azxcvsd Qqertqwer (Copy) - Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Other
Licensing: 123456

CEO/Associate Broker

A Realtor by trade and a gentleman by upbringing, no other Broker in this area will make you feel as part of their team. My knowledge of Idaho and particularly the Boise area combined with my level of real estate experience has given me a great awareness of the real estate values and trends in this area.

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